Automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows right in your repository with GitHub Actions. You can discover, create, and share actions to perform any job you'd like, including CI/CD, and combine actions in a completely customized workflow.
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GitHub Actions for Azure are developed by Microsoft and designed to be used with Azure. You can see all of the GitHub Actions for Azure in the GitHub Marketplace. See Finding and customizing actions to learn more about incorporating actions into your workflows.
Depending on the action, you'll use a service principal or publish profile to connect to Azure from GitHub. You'll use a service principal each time you use the Azure login action. The Azure App Service action supports using a publish profile or service principal. See Application and service principal objects in Azure Active Directory to learn more about service principals.
You can use the Azure login action in combination with both the Azure CLI and Azure Azure PowerShell actions. The Azure login action also works with most other GitHub actions for Azure including deploying to web apps and accessing key vault secrets.
A workflow contains one or several jobs running in parallel or sequential order. Each job runs inside a container or in a separate virtual machine (VM) runner. Additionally, each job includes one or several steps that run a predefined script or an action, a reusable extension that simplifies your workflow.
You can find workflow definitions in the .github/workflows directory of each repository. A repository can include several workflows, each performing different tasks. You can use, for example, one workflow for building and testing pull requests, another workflow for deploying the application whenever a release is created, and an additional workflow for adding a label whenever a new issue is opened.
A job in GitHub Actions is a series of workflow steps that run on a single runner. The steps can include actions to run or shell scripts for execution. Actions execute each step in order, as all steps in a job are interdependent. It executes every step on the same runner, enabling data sharing between steps. For instance, if you have a step to build an application, there might be a subsequent step to test the newly built application.
Actions are custom applications for GitHub Actions that perform complex but repetitive tasks. You might use actions to avoid writing too much repetitive code in a workflow. An action could pull a repository from GitHub, set up authentication measures to the cloud provider, or configure the right toolchain for the development environment.
Runners are machines that have the GitHub Actions runner app installed. They wait for available jobs to execute. Once a runner picks up a job, it runs the actions specified by the job and reports the results to Github. You can host runners on your own server or machine or use GitHub-hosted runners.
Keeping actions light is important regardless of whether you create a standalone action or a full CI/CD workflow. GitHub Actions sets up and runs each action in a clean environment for every run, so it has to download and install all the dependencies every time.
The first approach is to publish an entire node module folder. This strategy is suitable for publishing standalone actions in Node-based projects. The second approach is to leverage the caching mechanism in GitHub wherever possible. This strategy is suitable for standalone actions as well as actions running within a CI workflow.
An important feature of GitHub Actions is secret management. You store encrypted secrets within the repository settings, providing them as environment variables or inputs to your actions whenever you choose. GitHub Actions automatically redacts secrets logged accidentally or intentionally. However, the GitHub documentation also recommends that you avoid logging secrets because this automatic redaction capability is not fully effective, especially for secrets containing structured data.
GitHub actions is a very powerful platform but it is focused mostly on CI and does not support GitOps and native Kubernetes deployments. Codefresh is created specifically for GitOps and Cloud native applications and includes native support for using GitHub Actions for the CI part of the Software lifecycle.
By default, the GitHub action pushes the generated content to the gh-pages branch. This means GitHub has to serve your gh-pages branch as a GitHub Pages branch. You can change this setting by going to Settings > GitHub Pages, and change the source branch to gh-pages.
It tracks and monitors the resource metrics of your GitHub Action workflow runs. If the run is triggered via a pull request, it will create a comment on the connected PR with the results and/or publish the results to the job summary. The action collects the following metrics:
You can download and set up a requested version of the runtime with most of the setup actions. With the programming language of your choice, there are a lot of actions called Setup which allow you to set up your GitHub workflows.
This action is mostly used to pass data between jobs in a workflow, but definitely you can do a lot of things with it. You can copy Docker images between registries without changing the commit ID. You can handle tags and labels. You can also build images on multiple platforms. If you want to see your build results on Docker, you can export images as well.
In GitHub, workflow configuration files must be stored in the .github/workflows directory of the repository. If multiple projects using the same build procedure, there need to be multiple copies of the workflow file.
Actions are individual tasks that can be combine to create jobs and customize workflows. E.g., Close Stale Issues,which warns and then closes issues and PRs that have had no activity for a specified amount of time. Actions are set up on repository level. Currently there are 10857 actions in the GitHub marketplace.
Sublime-github for Sublime Text - Provides a number of useful commands for GitHub, including creating and browsing Gists (code snippets), opening andediting files on GitHub, and bringing up the blame and commit history views
If you view the policy in the AWS Management Console, the console shows warnings for the ELB service, but not for the ELB v2 service. This happens because some of the actions in the policy exist for ELB v2, but not for ELB. You can ignore the warnings for ELB.
Now that you have Tekton Pipelines installed, it is time to see Tekton in action by creating tasks. Tekton tasks let you automatically launch specific build or delivery tools with a series of specified steps.
Those benefits are good enough to justify using GitOps methodologies to improve your security posture and they came out of the box, but GitOps is a combination of a few more things. We can do much more. GitHub, GitLab, and other Git repositories providers allow you to run actions or pipelines based on the changes you perform in your Git repository, including by a pull request, so the possibilities are endless. A few examples:
A workflow is defined within the repository and committed as part of the repository. When you commit a workflow and push to GitHub, GitHub Actions will automatically detect the workflow and immediately parse the workflow and start processing your CI/CD process based on the instruction defined there. Workflows are written with YAML and stored inside .github/workflows directory of your project root.
We defined a job we called app-tests whose purpose is to run both tests using Jest and PHPUnit. We are telling Github Actions to include MySQL as a service when setting up the action. Finally, the other part marked by steps lists out the steps to be performed by the job.
This step sets up Deployer using another GitHub action identified by atymic/[email protected] and is being used with the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY and SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS which we would obtain from the server later.
Next, we need to add the environment variables in the secret as in the previous section. The technique here is to inject the environment variables when the action is running. To do this, we have to compile the environment variables needed by the app on the server into a .env file.
Once this file has been created with the content above, commit changes, and then push the changes to the master branch on GitHub. Go to GitHub and proceed to your project, you can click on the Actions tab to monitor the running actions, and once you do click on it, you will see that your push has triggered the workflow and the process has started already:
Argo CD is implemented as a kubernetes controller which continuously monitors running applicationsand compares the current, live state against the desired target state (as specified in the Git repo).A deployed application whose live state deviates from the target state is considered OutOfSync.Argo CD reports & visualizes the differences, while providing facilities to automatically ormanually sync the live state back to the desired target state. Any modifications made to the desiredtarget state in the Git repo can be automatically applied and reflected in the specified targetenvironments.
Other advanced features include support of IPv6, TLS, SCTP, SIP authentication, conditional scenarios, UDP retransmissions, error robustness (call timeout, protocol defense), call specific variable, Posix regular expression to extract and re-inject any protocol fields, custom actions (log, system command exec, call stop) on message receive, field injection from external CSV file to emulate live users. 076b4e4f54